Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blog Post 9: Evaluating your mock interview

1.  How did you prepare for the mock interview?  

I prepared for my mock interview by thinking about my transferable skills and strengths before the interview began. After thinking about those skills and strengths I then brainstormed possible experiences and examples I could use to reinforce and show that I do truly have those characteristics. I also thought about some of the main questions that are asked in the interview like "Tell me about yourself." and thought about the response I would give when asked these certain questions. Going into the interview knowing my response before the questions were asked allowed me to answer the questions fluently and effectively reflecting excellently on me.

2. Did you research the organization or business which you were interviewing for? What was their mission statement? What values does that organization or business advance? Did you research the field or the specific job to anticipate answers? How did you adapt? 

It was difficult to be able to adapt and research the business because I was never told the business I was  interviewing for. I did research what kind of things people in the field of sales are looking for. The research showed me what specific skills and traits they tend to desire in a potential employee.

3. What did you do well for the mock interview? 

The best thing about my mock interview was my nonverbal communication and seemed very confident and interested in the job. By leaning forward, limiting my "umms and ahhs," and having tone variation when I spoke showed both that I was confident and that I was able to articulate my words. 

4. What could you do next time you interview to improve?  

When I went into the mock interview I had strong experience and stories. The main thing I needed to improve on was telling the interviewer the stories earlier in the interview. By doing this I will be able to capture her attention early. An example of this was talking about how I was on the debate team in college but the interview was already half over by the time she knew about it.

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