Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fallacy Hunt

1. 2008 Vice presentational Debate
Palin - She explains how if electing Obama will lead to a downturn in the economy. That is a POST HOC fallacy because she never made the clear connection between how Obama directly will change and cause the countries economy to down turn. I would refute that fallacy by being narrower and being more clear on why Obama would negatively impact the economy.

2. Lisa Murkowski - Alaskan Senator - Discussion on C-Span she states that Murder is wrong and therefore Abortion is wrong which is a clear Begging the Question Fallacy. Even though I personally believe that this statement is true; she is drawing conclusions without addressing the facts of both sides.

3. Congressman on C-span discuses how capital punishment is moral because our society needs something to discourage violent crimes. The connection between these two points are lacking factual evidence. There is no viable proof that capital punishment changes the outcome of crimes at all.

4. Margaret Thatcher 1989 Debate - The opposition states a sample unrepresentative fallacy by saying that there are more teachers than ever in the UK school systems. Margaret refutes it in her rebuttal by explaining how it is only logical there are more teachers in the UK school systems because the number of students have also drastically increased.

5.  British Parliament debate demo #1 via youtube -  - The prime minster makes the comparison between both World war 1 and world war 2 with the war over the environment. This is a false analogy fallacy because it is not logical to compare wars where millions of people died to a war for the environment. The war on environment would possibly save lives but definably would not kill millions like the world wars did.

1 comment:

  1. Good identification of fallicies, be careful on wording such as there is no viable proof that capital punishment decreases crime. There very well may be, so maybe say he just didn't cite evidence.
