Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog Post 2 - Types in College

Part one
How does your communication style based on your code relate to the following areas? (You may skip one area.)
 ESTJ - Extroverted Thinking with Sensing
Choosing a major
  • Tend to choose major early and don't question it later
  • Desire a job that leads to immediate, tangible results

Learning style
  • Want to know exactly what is required to master the subject
  • Prefer step by step learning; may struggle with theory
  • Prefer instructors to present material clearly and logically and to arouse enthusiasm
  • Usually not convinced by anything but logic back by solid facts

Reading, writing, studying
  • Set study schedules and follow them
  • Prefer to study with others as long as they can it organized
  • Read just enough to be able to start a project
  • Good at public speaking and write best by dictating first draft.

  • Often leaders of campus groups, and participants and spectators at athletic events
  • Room mates may find them friendly but wanting to be in charge
  • Females may be outspoken males tend to play traditional roles
  • Tend to work hard at playing; enjoy competing

Possible causes of stress
  •  May take decisions too quickly 
  • May stick to first decision rather than seek other possibilities that might solve the problem
  • Others not being logical
  • May criticize others with little awareness of its impact

Dealing with stress
  • Naturally good at getting organized and taking charge
  • Must be aware of rushing decisions; be willing to reconsider
  • Must balance criticisms by expressing appreciation
  • Trust hunches about the meaning of abstract test questions
  • Lowering expectations of others may reduce frustration

Part two

1. Select a person in your life who you would like to improve your communication with. (Roommate, boss, professor, parent, brother or sister, friend).
Girlfriend - Monica

2. Based on your observations of this person, guess their four letter code.
ISFJ - Introverted Sensing with Feeling

3. Compare and contrast your code with theirs. 
Her code is significantly different than mine in multiple ways but at the same time we share some similarities. She deals with thoughts and issues internally more than I would. I would appear more confident because I am not shy to talk to people while she would appear a little more fearful because of her shyness. We are both focused on the practicality of school and other aspects of life. We look at the facts of a situation before we decide to make a decision.

4. List ways that you might adapt to their communication style to improve the relationship. 
I need to be conscious that she may not feel as comfortable as me talking to people she doesn't know. I also need to realize that she enjoys communicating with me while in groups but prefers it to be in a 1 on 1 basis instead of being around people.  
5. Give a specific example of what you will do differently.
When talking to people that I know but she doesn't I need to remember to specifically introduce her to them and take that initiative to do it for her. 

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